20 Ugly Designs That Look Dirty No Matter How Much You Clean Them

Published 4 years ago

Imagine a situation: you grab a cup at your parents’ house and notice there’s a spot on it. No worries – you’ll just give it a quick rinse. Yet no matter how much you scrub, the stain doesn’t appear to be coming off. That’s when you realize that it’s part of the design, and the only thought that comes to your mind is “Why would someone knowingly design this?”. And as silly as it may sound, some designers see absolutely no problem creating things that look they haven’t been cleaned in a hundred years.

People who have spotted dirty designs in the wild are sharing photos online, and you’ll be surprised how a simple unfortunate pattern can instantly make any room look like a gas station bathroom. From sheets that look like something from and episode of Dexter to pants that make it look like you’ve had an accident, check out some of the dirtiest designs people spotted in the gallery below!

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#1 This Rose Themed Bed Spread

Image source: Fauconwill

#2 Upon Walking In This Bathroom At The Supermarket I Was Initially Disgusted At Filth And Lack Of Cleanliness Until A Closer Look Revealed It Was Designed This Way

Image source: jeffy983

#3 This Small Pool Has A Yellow Plastic Mat At The Bottom, Making It Look Like It Is Filled With Urine

Image source: Darth_Creeper

#4 Plant Dyed Underwear On Etsy

Image source: Glycine_max

#5 5 Star Hotel Has These “Clean” Looking Coffee Cups

Image source: DestroyerOfDucks

#6 These Restroom Tiles

Image source: edvind

#7 Yellow Marble… Really?

Image source: Taylorcluett

#8 It Looks Like You Peed Your Pants

Image source: Lord_H1D30U5

#9 These “Designer Jeans” Look Like They’re Covered In Poop Stains

Image source: TheHi6hli6htReel

#10 My Office’s Cleaners Use A Yellow Product To Sanitize The Toilets. Makes It Look Like Someone Forgot To Flush

Image source: carlysworkaccount

#11 Look What I Found In A Bathroom

Image source: fluffytoast12

#12 This Bathroom Floor

Image source: joopy_boi

#13 It Looks Like The Hotel Cart Ran Someone Over And Is Tracking Their Blood Through The Halls

Image source: Nick_Coffin

#14 This Keyboard Cover Is Supposed To Look Like Marble But It Just Looks Dirty

Image source: slelham

#15 Looks Like Someone Smeared Poop On This Table

Image source: Invader_SNOW

#16 This Weird Straw That Looks Like It’s Been Collecting Dirt For Three Months

Image source: aeughbee

#17 This Rug That Looks Like It’s Covered In Ants/Fleas

Image source: electricwitchery

#18 This Is Apparently A Clean Wash Basin

Image source: Won_dream

#19 Clean Table Looks Like It’s Covered In Crumbs

Image source: PineapplemonsterVII

#20 This Building I Found In Osaka With Marble Patterned Windows, Looks Like Someone Smeared Liquid Faeces On Them

Image source: antcamm_

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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bad design, dirty design, dirty product designs