44 Funniest Photos From 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
The finalists of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards have been announced and let me tell you one thing—if you’re having a bad day, these photos will definitely make it better. Cute animal photos is the recipe for happiness after all!
While the competition aims to entertain and soothe our hearts, one of its goals is also to raise awareness about conservation, according to one of its founders, Tom Sullam. And what better way to raise awareness than to do it using humorous photos that are bound to be loved by everyone? “We strongly believe humor and positivity have a major role to play in building awareness, interest, and eventually action towards protecting the animals that live on this planet,” Tom told Bored Panda. “Over the years, the competition has focused more and more on the conservation, working with the Born Free Foundation and promoting conservation efforts around the world.” He continued: “We, without being too preachy, want to get you all, and ourselves, to behave a tiny bit differently towards the world we live in. The smallest effort achieved towards conservation is better than the biggest effort never started!”
“We expected this year to be a little bit tricky as a result of COVID restrictions,” Tom revealed. However, life is full of surprises. “But quite sensationally and against all better judgment, we received the highest number of entries ever, over 7,000—and the standard across the board has gone up incredibly,” he shared. “It has been such a positive response and such an upbeat process to be part of when so many things in 2020 have been so miserable/depressing/disappointing!” Tom explained that the high volume of images that came in kept his and his colleagues’ spirits up during the hard times, and he hopes it will have the same effect on all of us.
And what’s the hardest thing for the founder of the awards? “Choosing the finalists was basically an impossible task. Our initial shortlist was over 400, which is three times more than it has ever been,” Tom revealed to Bored Panda. “If ever there was a year when many could have won, this was it and we genuinely feel terribly sorry for those that we couldn’t get into the final 44 (which should have been 40 but we just couldn’t reject the other 4).”
More info: ComedyWildlifePhoto.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
Image source: comedywildlifephoto
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