People Are Sharing Their Most Terrible Childhood Photos And They’re Hilarious (40 Pics)

Published 4 years ago

Admit it – you’ve definitely went through some kind of phase back when you were a teen. “It’s not just a phase, mom!” you scream as you run out the door wearing a leather coat in 90 degree weather. And even though nowadays we cringe pretty hard when we look back at those days, you have to admit that the pictures are pretty funny.

People are sharing hilarious pictures from their blunder years and they’ll make you realize you’re not the only one who went through a weird phase back in high school. Weird hairstyles, terrible fashion choices, funny poses and much more – check out people’s hilarious childhood photos in the gallery below! And if you want more, see our previous post here!

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#1 It Was “Opposite Day” At School In 2005, Most People Wore Black And White Or Something.. I Decide To Dress As A Girl.. I Lived In A Small Town In Idaho. It Didn’t Go Over Well

Image source: awashbu12

#2 I Don’t Know If I’m More Embarrassed By How Many Hours It Took Teen Me To Make This, Or That I Actually Tagged My Crush When I Posted It

Image source: eehttofu

#3 Got Dumped A Week Before Prom, But My Mom Insisted I Go Take The Pictures She Paid For, So I Made A Sock Puppet To Bring As My Date. I Regret Nothing

Image source: Reverend_Deek_Lovin

#4 2008, Senior Friend Asked Me To Prom When I Was A Freshman. My Parents Didn’t Want Me To Go But Also Didn’t Want To Forbid Me, So They Didn’t Give Me Money For A Dress Thinking That Would Stop Us. We Made Both Of Our Outfits Entirely Out Of Duct Tape For Like $30

Image source: shiasurprize

#5 In Honor Of My Husband’s 37th Birthday, I Present To You His Senior Prom Photo From 2000

Image source: Loocylooo

#6 My Mom Told Me Not To Blink During My 2nd Grade Class Picture

Image source: ntaylor7746

#7 My Dad Always Thought This Haircut Looked Incredible On Me. My Mom Thought The Shirt Was Incredible. Looking Back At 2nd Grade Me Is Incredible. I’m A Female

Image source: kikiglitz

#8 My Mom Dressed Me Like This So I Was Easy To Spot When She Picked Me Up…

Image source: pluckems

#9 Ten Years And One Transition Later: Some Things Never Change

Image source:

#10 My Mother Said I Would Regret This Photo… No Regrets Mom! Circa 2002

Image source: Made_lion

#11 My Siblings And I Were Forced Into A ‘Pet Look Alike’ Competition. It Still Haunts Us

Image source: Innerbooty

#12 4 Years Ago. My Friend Is Saving This Photo For Her Future Kids To Show That She Thought She Had A Cool Phase Too

Image source: ISitOnAThroneOfLies

#13 10m, And Looking Like A Middle Age Mom Who’s Deciding To Grace You With A Smile, While Still Judging You Just A Little

Image source: otusasio451

#14 My Boyfriend’s 10th Grade Picture Is Pure Rebellion. According To Him, His Mom Cried When She Received The Pictures Back

Image source:

#15 Tried To Smile, Channeled Jim Carrey Instead. Allllllllrighty Then

Image source: 8b**city

#16 Had A “Photoshoot” With My Mom And Thought That Being “The Weird Kid” Made Me Cool And Mysterious

Image source: Dinkelburger123

#17 Husband? Dead. Emotion? Devastated. Insurance Money? Cashed. Eyebrows? Don’t Need Them

Image source: Dracoco

#18 ‘How Did You Know I Was Gay?’ Said The Posing Seven Year Old Boy In Make Up, A Perm, And Black Sequinned Jellicle Cats Dance Costume

Image source: DefinitelyNotADeer

#19 Found My High School ID This Morning

Image source: dial6664satan

#20 It’s Amazing What Growing A Beard, Growing Up, Changing Your Style And Leaving A Cult Can Do For You! (2011 vs. 2020)

Image source: excusetheblood

#21 In High School I Went Through A Belt Phase. For Some Reason, I Thought The More Belts I Had On, The Cooler I Looked. I Later Discovered… That Was A Lie

Image source: JustSherlock

#22 My All-Time Favorite Picture Of My Husband. He Was 20 In This Picture. Posting With His Reluctant Permission

Image source: geekoutfreakout69420

#23 School Photo Looking Like 60-Year Old Librarian With My Cardigan, Turtleneck And Thick Glasses Date And Age Unknown

Image source: Al_E77

#24 Me At 17(2010) Living It Up In Vegas

Image source: pelirojo67

#25 12 Years Ago. Teenage Pregnancy. Our First Family Photo

Image source: enbeay

#26 My Family Looking Like An Ll Bean Catalog Submission, And Then There’s 15 Year Old Me

Image source: Floridaasf**k

#27 My Mother Found This Photo Of My Church Friend (Ryan Gosling) And I. We Had Some Awful 90s Hairs Cuts

Image source: Talisintiel

#28 When I Was 14 I Was Dating A Girl From Another High School. I Decided To Surprise Her On Her Birthday By Dressing Up As A Clown And Busting Into Her Classroom Singing “Happy Birthday”. She Was Mortified! When The Dust Settled She Thankfully Realized The Thoughtfulness That Went Into The Gesture

Image source: 1doublezero

#29 Growing Up In Detroit When Eminem Came Out Yeaaaaaah…

Image source: mike70wu

#30 I Was That Girl

Image source: Gotholotls

#31 They Seem To Bring A Smile To Your Face. Hope This Makes Your Day A Little Better. I Present, Me As A Kid

Image source: zwaymire

#32 8th Grade Me Thought I Was The [Coolest], Went Like This To A Christian Concert Event

Image source: mastermoto7321

#33 I’m Glad My Looks Didn’t Peak At Age 13. (Not A Costume. God Help Me, I Really Dressed Like That)

Image source: vrnkafurgis

#34 My Outfit During A Snowfall In May 2004

Image source: Articado

#35 Me At Age 15, Channeling My Inner 30something Business Woman

Image source: treslilbirds

#36 Me, On My 8th Birthday, Getting The DS I Raved About

Image source:

#37 Freshman College, ‘94: Control Yourselves, Ladies

Image source: Warshok

#38 14 Year Old Me Photoshopping Out My Dad For Britney Spears. This Is Just So Toxic

Image source: heymanmaniac

#39 As Most People Thought My Fiancé Last Photo Was Not A Blunder, I Present To You Her College Library Card – 2003

Image source: Jambohh

#40 I Was In An Early 2000’s Transitional Phase Between Awkward And Total Embarrassment

Image source: PigSlug

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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Blunder years, Embarrassing childhood photos, funny