Chinese Nurses Fighting The Coronavirus Reveal The Sores Left On Their Faces From The Face Masks

Published 5 years ago

The recent coronavirus outbreak has caused a major commotion both in China and around the globe with numerous cases of infected people being reported worldwide. Chinese medics working in Wuhan are doing all they can to help the infected, often spending countless hours treating patients to the point where some of them simply go to sleep on the floor of the hospital exhausted after their long shifts. Just recently some of the medical staff working in Wuhan started sharing photos of their faces showing the sores left from wearing face masks for so long. People really admired their dedication and the pictures quickly went viral – check them out in the gallery below!

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The medical staff working in Wuhan started sharing photos of their faces showing the sores left from wearing face masks for so long

Image credits: PDChina

The masks and protective goggles are tightly bound to help prevent infection – unfortunately, wearing them for so long tends to leave painful sores. However, these raw photos not only show the marks left from the masks – they also reveal the exhaustion in the medics’ faces.

You can clearly see how exhausted the medics are after spending numerous hours helping the patients

Image credits: PDChina

According to the Chinese media, the medical personnel in Wuhan is working around the clock, many of whom don’t even leave the hospital after their shift is over.

The medical staff in Wuhan is working around the clock

Image credits: PDChina

Many of the doctors and nurses treating the coronavirus patients barely have any time to go to the bathroom or grab something to eat.

The staff is so busy, they barely have any time to eat or go to the bathroom

Image credits: PDChina

“Nurses take off their face masks after a grueling shift in the fight with novel #coronavirus, touching the hearts of millions on Chinese social media. Salute to these angels! #EverydayHero,” wrote People’s Daily, China on their recent Twitter post.

Wearing face protection for so long has left a toll on the medics’ faces

Image credits: PDChina

People were praising the medical staff on social media and even calling them heroes – and rightfully so. These people are risking their own health to help others and their dedication won’t go unnoticed.

The viral photos made people appreciate the Chinese doctors and nurses even more

Image credits: PDChina

Some people, however, weren’t happy with the way the government is handling the situation. “We listened to everything officials told us to do. We were so obedient,” said a Wuhan resident in an interview with NPR. They said [to] go into isolation, so we sent [my aunt and my mother] into isolation wards. But let me tell you what these wards really are; they are places where you send people to die by themselves.”

Some people even called the medics heroes

Image credits: sweetie_watchnu

Image credits: papabaks

Image credits: pegasusdiana

Image credits: GenjiIcal

Image credits: ismmm007

Image credits: JMIGrantsGuy

Aušrys Uptas

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