People Are Amazed By This Gorilla’s Unique Pigmentation That Makes Her Hand Look Human
A gorilla named Anaka has recently celebrated her 6th birthday at Zoo Atlanta. The employees snapped many photos of the adorable gorilla and shared them to the zoo’s Facebook page. Soon after, people began to notice something interesting about the pictures. More specifically, Anaka’s hand. Turns out the gorilla has a unique lack of pigmentation on her hand that makes her fingers appear incredibly human-like.
More info: Facebook
Image credits: Zoo Atlanta
Now, your first thought probably was that Anaka has a condition called vitiligo but someone actually contacted the zoo to ask this question and got a reply: “Well, her skin pigment has always been like that and hasn’t changed over the years, so we think it’s just a cool birthmark.”
Image credits: Zoo Atlanta
Image credits: Zoo Atlanta
According to Zoo Atlanta’s website, Anaka is the 22nd gorilla born in The Ford African Rain Forest. She’s a pretty active little gorilla, “often seen riding piggyback on her brother and sisters”, according to the zoo.
Image credits: Zoo Atlanta
Image credits: Zoo Atlanta
Image credits: Zoo Atlanta
Image credits: Zoo Atlanta
Image credits: Zoo Atlanta
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