40 Threatening Signs That Are Straight To The Point

Published 5 years ago

It’s only when you slip and twist your ankle that you begin to think that maybe you should have read the “wet floor” warning sign before prancing down that hallway. Oh well, you live and you learn, right?

Tired of careless prancers like you, some people are choosing to install warning signs that are more straight-to-the-point than your regular old sign. “Caution Wet Floor”? More like “CAUTION – THE FLOOR IS WET. YOU WILL FALL DOWN. IT WILL HURT”. See, gets the point across a lot more clearly, doesn’t it?

If you were waiting for a sign, this is it – check out the threatening warning signs people came across in the gallery below!

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#1 Sign At An Irish Zoo

Image source: OctopussSevenTwo

#2 Sarcasm Meets Capitalism

Image source: Cieslok Media

#3 It’s Only Fair

Image source: domeafavour97

#4 This Sign At My Uncles House

Image source: nateair

#5 Slower

Image source: IPointThings

#6 Good Advice

#7 I Noticed A New Sign At My Doctors Office

Image source: mynameisntsavannah

#8 Thanks For The Heads Up

Image source: Scazon

#9 At Pittsburgh Zoo – What?

Image source: whododatlikedat

#10 This Corn Maze Sign

Image source: shidanesayo

#11 I Mean… It’s Not Wrong

#12 Presenting Exhibit A

Image source: phitter72

#13 Nope

Image source: unfamiliar-ceiling

#14 This Sign

Image source: dontwantyourtitpm

#15 I Have Well Meaning Neighbours Who Knock On My Door At All Times (All Times) To Inform Me Of Neighbourhood Discord

Image source: mahuzair

#16 Gotta Be Bold To Urinate In Public In Tirana, Albania

Image source: LittleCrumb

#17 This Sign Outside A Cabin My Family Is Staying In

Image source: cheesybread116

#18 At The Hippo Exhibit

Image source: 1stumbler

#19 This Sign At My Local Orthodox Church

Image source: SilverSunrises

#20 Alligators Love Kids

Image source: FilthySpaniard

#21 Take A Guess

Image source: Paul Smith

#22 This Is A Real Sign

Image source: Jigfly

#23 Public Service Announcement To All Kids

Image source: vampedvixen

#24 At A Nearby Wolf Sanctuary

Image source: Gymnos84

#25 Texas, Home Of The World’s Scariest Sign

Image source: RCViking44

#26 Just Another Day In Alaska

Image source: electronicthesarus

#27 Crocodile Enclosure At Sydney Aquarium

Image source: ReginaldHardwick

#28 No Idea What It Means But Can’t Be Good

Image source: CruzWayne

#29 Trust Me, I Won’t

Image source: Svensit

#30 Wheeeeeeeeeeeee-Uh Oh!

Image source: CaptainCrackbaby

#31 This Is How Our Tigers See You

Image source: tripadvisor

#32 Seen At My Local Tattoo Studio

Image source: StoneageRomeo

#33 My Relaxing Road Trip From Darwin To Melbourne, Australia

Image source: AcidUrine

#34 No Worries, 3 Layers Of Glass Still Remain To Protect You From The King Of The Jungle

Image source: Tails_RulesTheWorld

#35 A Good Reminder Not To Drown

Image source: blindgorgon

#36 Killer Coconuts In Oahu Hi

Image source: child_of_old

#37 Advertisement For An Anti-Malaria Medicine (1941)

Image source: National Museum of Health and Medicine

#38 Ominous AF

Image source: Citizen_Ken

#39 Ummm… Okay?

Image source: ledromire

#40 Found This Gem At A Local Bulk Foods Store

Image source: OnsetOfMSet

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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funny, funny signs, signs, sinister, threatening, warning