25 Hotel Hacks Every Traveler Should Know
You know the feeling when you book a nice hotel and realize something is a little bit off upon arrival? Maybe you forgot your phone charger, maybe the TV remote is sticky or maybe there’s a guest in the adjacent room who thinks practicing the trumpet at 2 AM is completely normal – whatever the case may be, it’s best to be prepared.
Seasoned travelers are sharing the genius tips they learned during their hotel visits and they just might save you the next time you’re in a pickle. From MacGyver-style humidifiers to impromptu bottle openers, check out the hotel hacks every traveler should know in the gallery below!
Image source: vinylrabbit
Image source: rklau
Image source: R3ddittor
Image source: JayHarris_Sec
Image source: kevputz
Image source: SanhoTree
Image source: DrCSpencer
Image source: AlbertDumblestein
Image source: IndignantBacon
Image source: ohmercy_me
Image source: acroll
Image source: shy_ferg
Image source: _j_o_e
Image source: BrReg
Image source: BigMikeyOcho
Image source: WendoverCasino
Image source: themann00
Image source: My_Public_Profile
Image source: eighthblackbird
Image source: melmor86
Image source: mcpat123
Image source: boundbythecurve
Image source: ChipBrown
Image source: clenprice
“Please be careful not to cover any air holes so you don’t disable the detector. Please remove the tape in the morning so maintenance can inspect the detector.”
Image source: Crooked50
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