This Person Tried To Draw Their Dog And Now People Can’t Get Enough Of Their Doodles

Published 5 years ago

Even great artists just want to sketch sometimes – it’s a great way to relax and brush up on your skills without putting in too much effort. But when artist Jay Cartner uploaded a sketchy doodle of their goofy dog Stanley on the internet, they did not expect for it to become one of their most popular pieces of art.

In an interview with Bored Panda, Jay said they’ve been creating art for over 25 years, taking their first art class at just five years old.

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Meet Stanley, Jay’s goofy greyhound

“No one has ever really been interested in my serious stuff, but my goofy little doodles seem to make people smile!” said the artist. “I’ve been drawing for years, and greyhounds make perfect models.” Jay and their husband, Grady, have three retired racing greyhounds: Stanley, Stuart, and Kitty.

Jay’s goofy doodles quickly went viral

8-year-old Stanley is Jay’s first greyhound. The artist adopted him six years ago and since he was so wonderful, they started fostering retired greyhounds almost immediately. “He is an absolute goofball! He loves cookies and hates any form of exercise,” Jay described Stanley. “He was born to lounge on the couch; in fact, he might be more potato than greyhound! He makes the most awkward movements and poses when he prances around in the backyard and he is incredibly fun to draw! He loves everyone he’s ever met and enjoys being the center of attention in every way.”

“I succeeded in making myself laugh and posted these sketches on Facebook in case it might make someone else smile. I had no idea they would be quite this popular!” said the artist.

“I think people enjoy them because our animals all have such wonderful individual personalities and these doodles illustrate these personalities in a simple and fun way,” says Jay. “When people commission me to draw their dogs (and now cats, horses, guinea pigs, geckos, and children!) I love to chat with them about their animals and what makes them special and I try to let their personalities shine through the drawings.”

Jay thinks that our current world is full of stress and negative experiences and say they’ve been told that their doodles “provide something of a brief escape from the crushing weight of existence”.

“I understand that my style is not for everyone, and that is ok! Art is subjective! I’m just happy that I’m able to make people smile!” says the artist.

Now Jay started doodling other peoples’ pets too!

People loved Jay’s doodles so much, they’ve even started Facebook and Instagram so everyone could enjoy them. “After my first doodle post exploded on Facebook, I started getting a lot of requests,” explained the artist. “People wanted to know where they could find more doodles. I didn’t have any more doodles, so I made a few more that night. Then it just sort of evolved.”

Jay has been getting a lot of custom commission work and all sorts of requests for doodles and even paintings. They’re also working on some custom doodle t-shirts and tote bags!

“People have requested everything from a book to a shower curtain, so I’m trying to figure out how to make these options available to people who want them,” said Jay. “I have ideas for a webcomic as well!”

Check out more doodles below!

People love the goofy doodles

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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doodles, drawings, flat dog doodles, funny, Goofy, Jay, pets, shit, stanley