30 Weirdest Things People Stumbled Upon In Thrift Stores (New Pics)

Published 5 years ago

Nine times out of ten you only find useless junk when going thrifting. But occasionally you stumble upon something weird, interesting or ridiculous – something that you just can’t resist not sharing. And that’s how the ‘Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared’ Facebook group was born.

We’ve already featured some of the luckiest finds people came across when thrifting here and here, but it looks like there’s still more treasure to be found amongst all the junk out there. From weird Victorian conversation couches to flashy disco pigs, check out the weirdest things people stumbled upon while thrifting in the gallery below!

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#1 Picked Up On The Side Of The Road A Few Weeks Ago. It Is A Victorian Era Conversation Settee, For Courting Couples. The Weird Thing Is That It Was On The Side Of The Road With A Bunch Of Junk

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

#2 Found At The Bins Yesterday By My Husband…. I’m Digging It

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

#3 I Like To Believe Someone’s Grandma Worked Really Hard On This! I Feel So Lucky To Own It!

Image source: Kelsey Johnson

#4 Got This Free Giant Cup! The Lady Who Gave It To Us Said Her Husband Was A Liquor Distributor And Got It Free. She Just Wanted It Gone

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

#5 My Kid Cried The Whole Way Home (Didn’t Let That Stop Me)

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

#6 $15 From Salvation Army Store! Printed On Wood, Definitely Before The Movies

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

#7 My Parents Think It’s Ugly. I Think It’s Glorious

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

#8 Handpainted Queen Nesting Dolls!

Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds

#9 Really Wanted, But Too Small. *sigh*

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

#10 I Picked Up This Sweater A Few Years Ago And Listed It On Ebay. It Sold For Around $80 And The Buyer Username Was The Goldberg Studios. I Started Recording The TV Show And It Made Its Appearance The Following Season! It Was On Air For A Whopping 10 Seconds

Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds

#11 I Found This At The Bins. It’s Much More Satisfying Then A Stress Ball

Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds

#12 Does An Aged Portrait Of Your Apparently Immortal Cat Count As A Weird Secondhand Find?

Image source: Emily Catherine

I mean she’s a rescue so who knows how long she’s been about for. Even weirder: there’s some German writing on the back of it. I love my German vampire baby Pepè

#13 My Favorite Possession. A Reusable Wine “Cork” Bronze Replica Of The Human Heart. The Photo Doesn’t Do It Justice. I’m A Nurse, So Maybe This Isn’t As Cool To Non Medical Folks

Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds

#14 I Found This Cute Little Love Seat At My Favorite Thrift Store Thinking It Would Be The Perfect Size For My Lizard I Bought It And He Actually Loves It

Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds

#15 I Found These A Few Years Ago At A Yard Sale In Colorado. They’re About 6 Inches Tall

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

#16 Found Her Yesterday, It’s A Shelf & Heavy! Made Of Bakelite. Don’t Know Anything About It But She Looks Like A Creepy Version Of Me So Yup.. She’s Mine Now

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

#17 Found These Two For Less Then 5 Dollars Last Year; They’re Obviously Hanging In My Living Room

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

#18 Bought This Kick Ass Oven Mitt From A Garage Sale When I Was A Kid For When I Got A Home Of My Own, At 27 I’m Proud To Say I Finally Get To Use It In A Home Of My Own

Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds

#19 Found Old Photo Album In Thrift Store In Kansas. Came Home With Me

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

#20 Loved This Phone I Found At The Garage Sale Warehouse In Beaverton, Or

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

#21 Best Find Today

Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds

#22 Every Question You Have That Starts With “Wait, Is That….?”, The Answer Is Yes

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

#23 This Sofa Did Not Come Home With Us, Because We Didn’t Drive Our Freight Train To The Store That Day

Image source: Emily Fairchild Adams

#24 I Found A Giant Metal Penny In The Toy Section Of Gw. It Makes Everything Look Tiny!!! Love It!!

Image source: Amy Lewis Miller

#25 Went To An Auction To Grab Some Bar Equipment And Found These

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

#26 I Present To You…. Disco Pig! Found This Little Guy Hanging Out In The Library At My Grandmother’s Retirement Home. Provided By One Of The Residence

Image source: Emily Kusch

#27 This Is Probably My Most Prized Find. This Is Billie Jean

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

I’ve had her for a while. She has a back story. I drove past an antique store and saw her on the sidewalk out front. I instantly loved her. A couple days later, I drove past the same store and there she was. I thought to myself, “How has no one purchased that glorious goat?!?” I was trying to be good. I went home and later that day was scrolling through my news feed and there was a picture of her on Facebook! What are the odds?!?! I shared the picture on saying that I couldn’t believe that no one had purchased the goat. The post got a lot of traffic. I thought about that goat most of the day but I was balling on a budget. I broke down and called them to see if they still had her. When I called the guy said, “I don’t know what the deal is with that goat! I’ve gotten so many calls today!” He said that she was still there as of then. I got in the car and told my husband I was going to try and barter for her. He knew then, that I was coming home with that goat one way or another. Well, the owner wouldn’t barter because he had gotten too many calls. Ironically, the calls were because of me sharing her. (I have a decent following for my work). Someone had even paid a deposit down for them to hold her but hadn’t returned within the allotted 24 hours. Needless to say, I’m weak and wrote a check. He told me they called her “Billie”. I added Jean because she was mine and I could. I came home with her and then I was afraid someone would steal her because she was so awesome. I made her stay in the house for a week. I finally put her out front but obsessively checked for her every time I walked passed the window. I may or may not have installed security cameras because of this goat statue. Needless to say, she is part of the family now and the talk of the neighborhood.

#28 My $4.99 Goodwill Find, Next To My Home Depot Find, In Front Of A Portrait Of Said Find. The Real Kitty’s Name Is Nugget And He Was Found At Less Than A Week Old, In A Flowerpot At Home Depot

Image source: WeirdSecondhandFinds

#29 I Stared At Them For A Minute Or Two, Then Walked Quietly Away

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

#30 Just… No

Image source: Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

Got wisdom to pour?



alien, bizzare, branded clothes, clothes, clothing, creepy dolls, crocs, dolls, ecology, environment, extraterrestrials, facebook group, finds, flea market, funny, garage sale, hotdog, Humpty Dumpty, items, jeans, junk, peculiar, recycling, rubbish, Secondhand, secondhand clothing, secondhand store, shoes, shopping, statue, strange, stuff, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, things, thrift store, trash, treasure, weird, Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared