This Artist Makes Animals Look Like Fairytale Characters By Creating Beautiful Flower Crowns
Freya’s Floral Company is a company created by college professor Yarely that offers beautifully crafted flower crowns for both animals and their owners. It all started when Yarely made one for her Australian shepherd Freya – people instantly fell in love with them and that’s when the artist decided to start making them for other dogs to spread the love.
Even though Yarely sometimes uses the same flowers to create her crowns, she says that each one is unique and even offers her customers an option to place a custom order.
h/t: Bored Panda
Image source: leo.mainecoon
Image source: leo.mainecoon
Even though many pet owners wanted their pets to pose in Yarely’s flower crowns, one of her main models is a cat named Leonidas – an Instagram star from Chicago with over 150k followers.
Image source: freyasfloralco
Image source: leo.mainecoon
Leo modeled many crowns for Freya’s Floral Company and gathered thousands of likes with many people praising the cat for his fashion sense.
Image source: freyasfloralco
Image source: leo.mainecoon
“I knew nothing about making crowns so I just winged it. After posting a photo of Freya in her crown I received a lot of positive feedback,” said Yarely in an interview with Bored Panda. As a Chicana and Spanish speaker, the artist says she draws inspiration from the colors and vibrant energy of Mexico.
Image source: freyasfloralco
Image source: leo.mainecoon
When asked how she gets the animals to wear her crowns, Yarely says she recommends bribery – that’s how she trained her dog Freya to wear one.
Image source: leo.mainecoon
Image source: leo.mainecoon
“Freya is the heart of my business. We joke that she is my quality assurance coworker,” says Yarely. “I test experimental pieces on her to make sure they are sturdy enough to sell. […] She is a great model (when she wants to be). Although I get photos of her, she definitely gives me some sass.”
Image source: freyasfloralco
Image source: freyasfloralco
She revealed that Leo is also a big inspiration when creating the crowns and his owner is a huge source of support for her. “I am proud to announce that Leo has the biggest Freya’s Floral Co. collection and he is a source of inspiration,” says Yarely.
Image source: leo.mainecoon
Image source: aussie_freya
“I’ve often seen photos of dogs in flower crowns, so I thought cats could rock them too!” says Jane, the owner of Leo. “Luckily Leo is a very laid back kitty, and lets me put the crowns on his head.”
Image source: freyasfloralco
Image source: leo.mainecoon
Jane says that people love seeing Leo in the beautiful flower crowns – and it’s not hard to see why. Check out more pictures of Leo and other animals in the beautiful flower crowns in the gallery below!
Image source: leo.mainecoon
Image source: leo.mainecoon
Image source: freyasfloralco
Image source: aussie_freya
Image source: leo.mainecoon
Image source: freyasfloralco
Image source: freyasfloralco
Image source: freyasfloralco
Image source: aussie_freya
Image source: aussie_freya
Image source: aussie_freya
Image source: freyasfloralco
Image source: leo.mainecoon
Image source: aussie_freya
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