30 People Who Accepted The #Trashtag Challenge

Published 6 years ago

#Trashtag is a new viral hashtag currently trending on the web. And don’t worry, even though it sounds kind of sketchy, this one’s not about doing anything silly or potentially life-threatening, like the infamous #KikiChallenge. It actually started as an effort to encourage people to take fighting pollution into their own hands and has amassed people from all over the world.

The hashtag started after a Reddit user posted an image of a man who had completed the challenge with the caption “Here is a new #challenge for all you bored teens. Take a photo of an area that needs some cleaning or maintenance then take a photo after you have done something about it, and post it here.” From then on, the challenge quickly took off and inspired many people to get their hands dirty for the greater good.

Check out the most impressive before and after shots from people who accepted the #trashtag challenge in the gallery below!

h/t: Bored Panda

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Image source: getyerfix

Here’s my contribution to #trashtag. My (large) family and I cleaned up this beach we camped near over the summer


Image source: kelllvvviiinnn

#trashtag seems to be trending. This one’s from Nepal


Image source: alex_lavigne

#trashtag Manila Bay has been considered one of the dirtiest bays across the world. After 11 years, the Supreme Court finally issued a cleanup order which thousands of volunteers joined last January 27, 2019.


Image source: rcc_pipes

Around 500 volunteers helped with the cleanup of 5 million kg of trash from this Mumbai beach.

You can read more about this cleanup here!


Image source: phattvdev

#trashtag from Vietnam, youngsters gather voluntarily to clean up the environment and to raise public awareness


Image source: Baxxo25

This should be the new challenge to make the world a better place


Image source: getyerfix

Just one of the many days cleaning up our local water ways. Featuring Selma Kayak and Large Marge the Garbage Barge


Image source: buttsaginton10

3 women cleaned up this area together.


Image source: 4tpn

This is just a work of an hour! #trashtag


Image source: v0y4ge

Took me a few days, but finally finished!!


Image source: east.mojo

Students from @tetsocollege, Dimapur, accepted the #Trashtag challenge


Image source: horses_spb


Image source: ger__mann

The community in my home town in Mexico got together and cleaned up garbage


Image source: anksla007

Took the whole Sunday morning for 10 people. But finally completed the #trashtag challenge


Image source: WAYTOOMELO

My aunt is a 70 year old retired school teacher and she has been making these signs and going around cleaning up our neighborhood in the Bronx for a few months now #Trashtag


Image source: RMcNeil2105

Along the Potomac River south of Washington, DC. We have to clean up the existing mess, but bottle deposit laws and styrofoam bans would prevent most of it. Contact your local, state, and federal representatives and insist on this.


Image source: qevoh

People are starting to accept the challenge


Image source: RafayMirza

There’s an organisation I volunteer at and we basically do cleanups like this in the city. Places that have been forgotten by the local government and make them accessible for the public


Image source: NoKarmaNoFarma

These people went above and beyond #trashtag


Image source: Howells2202

Love seeing this become a challenge! Keeping the beaches clean here in Florida


Image source: kingluc79

We’ve picked up tons from Durban beaches over the years


Image source: Klokkestarter

40 Norwegian Folk High School students from Alta spent one week picking trash at a local beach, gathering a total of 12,400kg


Image source: wellnesstravelled

We did our first “official” beach clean-up in Belize that past December. Before this I’d say we were classified as “beach(trash)combers”, picking up the odd straw and plastic bottle we saw on our walks. However, for Belize, we travelled there with the intention of dedicating time to picking up any trash we came across on our hikes and beach walks. We even created a social media “clean-up crew” by partnering with other travellers to do a clean-up with us at the same time.


Image source: morfen

South Africa


Image source: daavidcabrera_

Decided to pick up trash for my birthday and filled up 4 bags


Image source: v0y4ge

My girlfriend and I doing our part for #trashtag at the beach the other day


Image source: getyerfix

Cleaning up floating debris in Jamaica Bay, NY


Image source: dhth7a


Image source: to112life

Another #trashtag challenge accepted! Help keep our streets clean


Image source: Flamewell

Did our part today for #trashtag while offroading in the mountains of California

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

Got wisdom to pour?



environment, environmentally conscious, Environmentally friendly, litter, picking up trash, save the planet, trash, wholesome memes