If You Are Trying To Lose Weight, This Comic Might Be Just What You Need
Gavin Aung Than is an artist who started creating comics back in 2011 after quitting his unfulfilling job. He often creates comics based on classic poems set in modern environments and this time he chose one by poet Edgar Albert Guest, titled “It couldn’t be done.”
In an interview with Bored Panda, Gavin said he thought using fitness and running was a good idea for this comic. “Plus, the character in the comic was used in one of my earlier Zen Pencils comics where he first decided to lose weight. So I wanted to bring him back and continue his story,” said the artist.
Gavin has received messages from fans, telling him that his comics motivated them to get into shape. The artist says that the combination of the poem and his pictures really packs a punch: “That’s the power of comics!” He says although the poem is pretty motivational by itself, an original story can make the message even stronger. We’ll let you be the judge – check out Gavin’s motivational comic in the gallery below!
More info: zenpencils.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | h/t
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