Wife Insists Husband To Put Online The Comics He Made About A Stray Cat They Rescued A Few Months Ago

Published 6 years ago

After rescuing a cat with his wife in 2017, Lucas Turnbloom, a cartoonist from Southern California, started a webcomic called “How to Cat.” It was initially meant as an inside joke for his wife and himself, but she insisted him to share the comic on the internet – and people seem to love it!

“I’m so happy people have found joy in this silly little comic. I hope to continue it for years to come,” says Turnbloom – and we hope so too. Check out the hilarious illustrations below!

More info: Instagram | Facebook | patreon.com | h/t

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Image source: Lucas Turnbloom


Image source: Lucas Turnbloom


Image source: Lucas Turnbloom


Image source: Lucas Turnbloom


Image source: Lucas Turnbloom


Image source: Lucas Turnbloom


Image source: Lucas Turnbloom


Image source: Lucas Turnbloom


Image source: Lucas Turnbloom


Image source: Lucas Turnbloom


Image source: Lucas Turnbloom


Image source: Lucas Turnbloom


Image source: Lucas Turnbloom


Image source: Lucas Turnbloom


Image source: Lucas Turnbloom


Image source: Lucas Turnbloom

Rugile Matuseviciute

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adorable comics, cat, cat comics, cute comics, full-page, funny comics, Lucas Turnbloom, rescue, rescue cat, rescue cat comics