What “Mother’s Day” Really Looks Like Revealed In These 22 Brutally Honest Photos

Published 6 years ago

We all say that motherhood is hard, and even though we truly mean it, it’s impossible to understand how actually difficult it is if you’re not a mother yourself. This Indiana-based photographer decided to reveal what it’s like to take care of your children every single day – when there’s no cute family pictures, no delicious calm breakfast or relaxing evenings by the fireplace with your kids by your side. No, motherhood is not like that, at all. Being a mom is about being messy all the time, working 24/7 and lots and lots of multitasking. Scroll down to see the way Giedre Gomes portrays the reality of a motherhood, and don’t forget to thank your mother for raising you, it was definitely not easy.

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#1 Motherhood Is Never Peeing Alone

#2 When The Kids Go To Sleep

#3 Sleep Never Lasts Long, They Find You

#4 Motherhood Is Being Your Kids’ Entertainer

#5 Motherhood Is Never Shopping In Peace

#6 Motherhood Is Never Sleeping In

#7 Motherhood Is Breastfeeding Whenever Wherever

#8 Motherhood Is Never Ending Laundry

#9 Sometimes Moms Need A Time Out To Have A Sip Of Wine And Check On Their Phones

#10 Motherhood Is Never Showering In Peace

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children, children photography, Giedre Gomes, living with children, motherhood, mothers, mothers day