30+ Reasons Why Canada Is The Weirdest Place To Live

Published 7 years ago

Have you ever seen something so amazing, people made fun of how great it was? No? Well, we suggest you look at a map and find Canada – better yet, go visit the place, because according to many internet users, Canada is as close to a magical wonderland as you can ever get.

In Canada, you can find all sorts of miracles: friendly moose, waterproof money, people, who are so nice that their online arguments are nothing more than a polite conversation – it all exists in one place. And even though the weather can be harsh and unpredictable at times, it somehow still doesn’t bring people down – instead, they make popsicles out of snow that surprises everyone in the middle of spring, and carry on enjoying their lives soaked with maple syrup and politeness.

Sounds a lot like a dream, right? Well, scroll down and see for yourself, what a wonderful place Canada is.

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Image source: YouHadOneJ0B


Image source: itriedmybestyeticantsucceed


Image source: ClintFalin


Image source: is-canada-even-real


Image source: shironeko261


Image source: pebbles5ever


Image source: JoParkerBear


Image source: scotchtapeofficial


Image source: theimpolitecanadian


Image source: dramasbomin


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