Volunteers Needed To Make Hats To Raise Awareness Of Shaken Baby Syndrome
Attention all knitters! The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) and 14 other states need 5,000 purple baby hats by October, and they need our help.
Health officials are joining forces with the National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome to prevent serious brain injury, caused by forcefully shaking an infant or young child. The campaign’s name, Click for Babies, refers to the clicking sound that knitters make with their needles.
The New York State Department of Health warns that an estimated 1,000-3,000 babies suffer from shaken baby syndrome (SBS) each year. It can “cause brain injury, cerebral palsy, blindness, hearing loss, learning and behavior problems, seizures, paralysis, and death.” One fourth of victims of SBS die, and approximately 80 percent of survivors suffer from permanent damage.
Experts believe that the biggest trigger causing people to shake babies is frustration with a persistently crying child, which they refer to as the “purple” period of crying.
Oklahoma is one of 16 states participating in Click for Babies — the fourth year for the state. During the campaign, communities across North America are encouraged to donate handmade caps stitched in all shades of purple. Along with these caps, new parents receive a video, booklet, and bedside information describing the period of ‘purple crying.’
The OSDH has requested volunteers in the past but it received the minimal media attention. “Last year we fell short of our cap goal,” Amy Terry, an adolescent-health coordinator with the OSDH, told ABC News. Campaign materials were redesigned for 2017, social media marketing efforts were increased, and the public response has been overwhelmingly supportive. We have received calls from people all across the country who are willing to volunteer.”
For all those who are interested – the organization provides knit and crochet patterns. Hats have to be purple and made from baby-friendly yarn. The pieces should measure 14 inches around and their height has to fall in-between 4-6 inches.
More info: clickforbabies.org (h/t: scarymommy)
In the US, 1,000-3,000 babies suffer from shaken baby syndrome (SBS) each year
Image credits: Iowa Click for Babies
One fourth of victims of SBS die, and approximately 80 percent of survivors suffer from permanent damage
Image credits: Iowa Click for Babies
Click for Babies campaign encourages communities across North America to donate handmade caps stitched in all shades of purple
Image credits: OK.gov
Along with these caps, new parents receive a video, booklet, and bedside information describing the period of ‘purple crying’
Image credits: Iowa Click for Babies
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