Photography Book Of 381 Naked Berliners In Their Homes

Published 8 years ago

You are at home in your apartment, making tea and suddenly someone rings the doorbell. It’s a complete stranger. He has a camera and is going to photograph you, naked. You have to get undress… That’s the idea behind Daily Portrait Berlin. During 18 month, a digital camera has been traveling around in the city of Berlin, passing from hand to hand, linking strangers, and creating a mosaic of stories and portraits of contemporary Berlin, showing society as it is, without prejudice.

A photography project by Martin Gabriel Pavel and Marek Kučera.

How Does IT work?

Daily Project Berlin is a participatory exploration of the identity of modern Berliners. The concept is simple: 1 camera and 381 Berliners.

For example, Marie takes a photograph of John (naked) in his apartment. Marie gives John the camera and now John has to take a photo of Will (naked) in his apartment the next day. The photo shoot takes place at the model’s homes. The whole body has to be captured on the photo. Those who want can be naked, otherwise in underwear. And the stories goes until 381 photos are made.

On 434 pages, you can have fun discovering the stories of strangers you would have never met.

You can examine the shelves in the kitchen. See what book the tattooed girl is reading. Be surprised by the huge piano in the apartment of an athlete. Laugh over humorous decorations. Notice the artistic compositions on the walls created by creative people feeling inspired. It shows Berlin apartments that reflect the personality of their owners. It shows how people truly are-in the nude- in their true living space. It shows an array of emotions; happy, silly, shy, serious, concerned, uncertain and sometimes even a bit weird.

You can pre-order the Daily Portrait Berlin Book for the special crowdfunding price 50USD, till 24th of April!

More info: daily portrait berlin

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Berlin, big, book, Daily Portrait Berlin, Marek Kučer, Martin Gabriel Pavel, naked, Nude