Pioneers of Contemporary Indian Art

Published 8 years ago

The Classical Indian Art almost came to an end after the British became ruler of India. Miniature paintings died due to the lack of patrons. The British government established art schools in the Metropolitan cities. With the introduction of European Art in art schools, the British government tried to fill the void which was created in the Indian art field after the fall of Mughal Empire. Most of the students who attended these art schools preferred to paint in typical European style and tried to copy the European artists.

One of the most eminent contemporary Indian painters Raja Ravi Verma developed his own style by combining European technique of oil painting with mythological and epic themes and created some of the most stunning contemporary art paintings. Along with the mythological and epic themes, Indian artists were inspired by the freedom movement during this period. The famous Tagore family of Kolkata contributed in many ways in the development of Indian Art and Culture. Abanindra Nath Tagore tried to revive the Classical Indian Art in a new form. He was influenced and inspired by the freedom movement and Swaraj and intended to restore the lost Indian identity in the field of art. He, along with his students, introduced an original form of art which later came to be known as Bengal School.

The arrival of Amrita Sher-Gil brought a major change in the concept of art in India. Her works are actual examples of contemporary art paintings and are perfect balance of western techniques and Indian sensibility. She painted Indian people in modern technique of European Art. Her style became immensely popular. She inspired and influenced many young artists of that period.

Jamini Roy explored the ethnic beauty of the traditional folk art and gave multi-dimensions to these paintings. He was the pioneer of modernizing traditional folk art, who was followed by many young Indian artists. Rabindranath Tagore created an art form which was never used in India before him. He stunned art critics and art lovers by choosing to create abstract painting in his old age. In spite of his weakness of skills, his paintings are regarded to possess unparalleled characteristics. He painted some of the most striking contemporary art paintings in India.

Gaganendra Nath Tagore, the brother of Abanindra Nath, created another new form of art. He associated satire with paintings and drawings, and used this satirical form of art to condemn the society. He criticized the loopholes of the society through his caricatures and cartoons.

All these were the great masters of Indian contemporary art paintings who contributed immensely in the development of art field in India.

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Contemporary Art Paintings

Contemporary Art Paintings

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Contemporary Art Paintings