Already Weird Photo Of Husky In A Palm Tree Gets Photoshopped
Alright, this husky sitting in a palm tree might be the planet’s ultimate challenge to the Photoshop masters out there. Just by itself it already looks like a clever edit, because… I mean, what the hell is that puppy doing up there..?
Of course, the Photoshoppers have risen to the occasion and managed put the puppy into even weirder situations, from replacing Miley Cyrus on her wrecking ball to getting its very own chopper motorbike. Ahh, people with too much free time on their hands are just the best, take a look!
(h/t: boredpanda)
It started with this:
#1 Came In Like A…
Image source: artunitinc
#2 Badass
Image source: Criticalg
#3 Dog On A Giraffe, Perfection.
Image source:
#4 Taking Dog Tricks To The Next Level
Image source: Blokatt
#5 Bad To The Bone
Image source: abcakaalex
#6 Cool Dogs Don’t Look At Explosions!
Image source: Criticalg
#7 Safe Place
Image source: RexLeou
#8 Drake Needs A Doggo
Image source:
#9 Quidditch Through The Ages
Image source: NihiloEx
#10 Wow. Much Speed. Very Pew
Image source: DrWankalot
Before the puppy came this badass rabbit.
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