Your Favourite ’90s Cartoon Characters As Drug Addicts
Paul Ribera took the most popular and fun characters from the most-loved cartoons of the ‘90s like Dexter’s Laboratory, Johnny Bravo and the Powerpuff girls and decided to show us what things might look like if they were struggling with severe drug addictions.
Here’s what Ribera told about his impressively disturbing drawings: “My friends and I are fans of the movie ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas’ as well as the punkcore music scene and that stemmed my interest into the drug lifestyle. I, personally have been interested in the effects of drugs and what it does to people and, unfortunately, in the town I live in, it’s a way of life.”
The artist decided to blend the fun and happy life of cartoons with the harsh reality that he has faced every day for the past twenty years. “These cartoons are what I (and pretty much all kids of the ‘90s) used to watch and I thought… ‘Man, what if these people characters were from here?”
Take a look at the nightmarish alternative reality of ‘90s cartoon characters on drugs.
Got wisdom to pour?
Paul Ribera can suck a big fat vieny black dick in front of his crying mother. This isnt art….this is the equivalent of taking all the shits that have been shat in the world in one day, put into a massive thick plastic container, and set ablaze. Burning shit: Paul Ribera’s art…and possibly brain matter.
Ed, Edd, n’ Eddy don’t seem to have changed much… Maybe they were drug addicts all along…
Possibly the single most entertaining string of comments I have ever read….. Ribera has a wicked style if a little Ralph Steadman-esque, plus the concept of corrupting cartoon characters although done before is always enjoyable!
I think those pieces were meant to promote drug awareness, like how you might probably look like if you do drug abuse.
I even don’t know what to say.. too much creep overloaded.
I’m starting to question if the people who are commenting are blind, retarded, lack artistic taste, or all three. I personally like this macabre & grotesque style of drawing. The style is very unique and the idea is a really awesome one. Paul Ribera keep at it man, this is freaking awesome, I would seriously buy these pieces and put them up in my room. You sir, have talent like crazy.
emotional, very creative. awesome idea.
Haters gonna hate. These are fun to look at. I’d like to see more Dexter’s X Breaking Bad crossover concept art.
this isnt even fucking cool these drawings are sophmoric, irresponsible, lacking of any artistic quality, poor natured, cheaply produced, as well as a bore to look at. These drawings are shit-scribbles by a terrible drawer who I would never dare call an artist. A 16 months old baby could produce more compelling pieces. I look at these drawings and all I see is a feeble attention craving loser “artist”. If these drawings could talk or convey thier meaning it might say “hey look at me! give me attention! I dont get enough love to satisfy my psyche so I produce this shit work to try to get people to like me”. The world would be better off without bird-shit-brained peices of homosexual shit being taken for creativeness and art. GTFO with this shit.
Wow, that is the most hate i’ve seen for a long time. Is there something wrong with homosexuals, you angry, thoughtless, bigot FUCK? Go have a long look in the mirror. Hipster, arm-chair warrior.
theres nothing wrong with homosexuals he said homosexual shit.
he meant the word homosexual as an insult so yea he must not like them
He said It as a derogatory term, As if it was something to be used as an Insult.
Somebody has issues. Bitter are you, Mr. “Warhol”?
woah calm your tits dude, these drawings are pretty dope
Wow. With that argument, you yourself just said “Hey, look at me! Give me attention! I dont get enough love to satisfy my psyche so I produce this shit work to try to get people to like me”.
The world would be better without you. GTFO of the internet, you useless piece of shit who doesn’t know anything but complain. You mentally sick bastard.
Yo! I get that you don’t like these pieces but reevaluate how you say it you really didn’t have to make the homosexual comment that’s a little fucked up. That’s why no one fuckin excepts us now because people like you say things like this and make it seem like being a homosexual is wrong, let’s move forward not backwards.
You don’t know the the artists reasoning behind this. And I would love to see you produce anything even slightly as good as these pieces. You’re ignorant. Why don’t you make a Jackson Pollack because that’s the only thing you could ever even do. And the fact that you are going on a site and the fact that you took the time to read the article meant that you care. It meant that you were looking for a place to throw out, in public, your cry for attention. You wanted people to notice you and to pay attention to you because mommy and daddy never did. Don’t publicize your pathetic personal problems with a sorry attempt at criticizing someone else’s work. No one knows your name, no one will ever remember you when you die. (Hopefully soon.) So next time, have a better argument, you washed up piece of trash.
One sign of good art is when it offends the viewer. Which in this case is obviously happening. I think this idea is original!
One sign of good art is when it offends the viewer. Which in this case is obviously happening. I think this idea is original!
Don’t cut yourself on that edge son. What a load of shit.