40 Nostalgic Memes For ‘80s-90s Babies Only’
Remember the good times? Nothing beats a dose of nostalgia to lift your spirits when life gets challenging. Take a trip down memory lane to your childhood, and you’ll likely recall carefree days and a simpler life!
Check out the ‘80s and ‘90s Babies Only‘ social media project. They’ve gathered some awesome memes and pictures that capture the essence of growing up in the 1980s and 1990s. Scroll below to take a trip through a gallery of pics akin to a veritable time machine.
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Becklass: Cool runnings!
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Ge Po: The real fun is, about ten years ago my then 13 year old boy came to show me some cool music video he had found on Youtube. It was from a certain mister Hammer, who claimed you could not touch this.
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sbj: I can still remember the taste
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AngelWingsYT: Newest movie dropped. All 20 remtal spots EMPTY!
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James016: Cowabunga!
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Ka Se: You can still buy them
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Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa): Head’s UP Seven UP!
Image source: 8090sbabiesonly, NewDadNotes
Norwegian_Panda🇳🇴: My mom throw all my cassettes I recorded so many songs from radio and also recorded myself like a diary. Everything’s gone😔
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Norwegian_Panda🇳🇴: Pencil might help if it’s not stucked😄
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ADHORTATOR: By the power of Grayskull!
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Cee: Every house had at least one
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Norwegian_Panda🇳🇴: What is this? Never seen in Norway.
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Norwegian_Panda🇳🇴: The text on the box🤣
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FrogMan: Anyone else ever get the cap that said “please play again” and then put it back on the bottle tight, and take it off again “just in case” or was that just me?
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Charlie the Cat: 123 in the UK
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Cecilia Herrera (edited): “Not the Momma.” What Baby called Dad in Dinosaurs.
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Liss Reins(Queen/YourMajesty): This really took me back to my silly putty days…
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LauraDragonWench: Me, too. Getting the “non-smoking” section in a restaurant, only to be seated by the barrier and choking on smoke. Strange how the cigarette smoke didn’t understand which section to stay in! 🤪😂
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CrunChewy McSandybutt: I was out of high school when this was on and I still watched the hell out of it. LOL.
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giku T:I remember the pain; the balls hitting your scalp when they slipped from your moms hand while tying your hair; the bands and the metal part in the middle caused tiny bald spots pulling your hair while untying..
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Norwegian_Panda🇳🇴: We were never bored. Always something weird stuff to do. Can’t remember I was bored at all like kids nowadays.
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Cee: Artax!! Fight against the sadness, Artax!!
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Ka Se: Isn’t it still this way? I sometimes see teenager hanging out in the park when we visit the playground.
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Ban-One : And a nice C3 Corvette in the back. My favourite generation when talking about the design. A Chevrolet Corvette L88 from 1968 would be my choice if money wasn’t an issue.
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unfilteredCigarette73: I heard he was a hot billiards player
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KDav: I can hear this picture and it’s super satisfying.
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Emerald Joanna: We used to turn it upside down on PURPOSE to take turns egging each other on to run across it & squeal in pain!
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Me. Just Me.: I forgot about this until seeing this picture. I had one although I don’t remember which version it was.
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James016: Obligatory what was your favourite card set poll. Mine was the castle.
Marley Nachi: palm tree
Austin Sauce: I shuffled through all of them to “keep it fresh”
SobyKay: fish
Yaba Dabado: Roses
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Cecilia Herrera: The Jetsons.
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giku T: we still have these in Turkiye..in fancier shops, fancier shapes and fancier prices!they all taste the same though
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MP: I’d wear the hell out of that yellow one today if I could find it
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Norwegian_Panda🇳🇴: Yeah every day! Also same song more than one time if it was a song I really loved! I miss those times.
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SCP 4666 (edited): Smash it with your fist until it starts working again. Today’s TVs are sooo sensitive
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James016: Happy happy joy joy.
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