8 amazing micro apartments from all over the world

Published 8 years ago

Tiny or micro apartments – one of the recent housing trends of the big busy cities that provide more affordable accommodation solutions for young people, willing to live in their own space, but not necessarily wanting to work long and tiring hours on several jobs only to be able to pay the ridiculous rent for an average apartment shared with a couple of roommates and barely make both ends meet.

The desired privacy and unexpected comfort tiny apartments offer to single people and young couples due to the unique interior designers’ solutions, who employ their creativity and skills to fit a sleeping place, a kitchen, a bathroom, an office area and enough storage space into the tightest quarters ever without making them too claustrophobic and overloaded, make such apartments more and more popular in crowded cities with ridiculously high rent prices and limited housing.

The owners or inhabitants of such places note that living in a small space not only relieves them from the major rent pressure and allows them to make the most out of the money they earn and spend them on wonderful experiences or save up for future house purchase a lot faster. It also makes people much more organized, encourages minimalistic lifestyle, pushes them to spend more time out of the house and to think twice about their shopping choices and things they really need. Constrained space conditions imply vast design options and solutions that won’t suit ordinary homes, but which look exceptionally creative and provide multifunctional purposes to ordinary things.

On top of that, those who decide to sacrifice the space and opt for owning/renting a micro apartment are often able to afford living in the city core within the short walk distance to their work, major entertainment attractions, shopping centers and everything else an active megapolis inhabitant won’t be able to reach without spending at least an hour on commuting.

Thus, an increasing number of progressive New York, Hong Kong, London or Tokyo citizens open their minds to the concept of the micro apartments and, with the help of remodeling contractors, manage to turn them into the comfortable homes with everything one could need for living in a bustling city center.

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Image source: Noritaka Minami photos

Tiny capsule apartments in Tokyo, Japan



Image source: Beriot-Bernardini Araquitectos

300sq ft apartment for two in Madrid, Spain.</p.



Image source: Huffington Post

140sq ft apartment in Poland



Image source: Max Touhey for Curbed

90sq ft West Villiage apartment in NYC



Image source: Daily Mail

60 sq ft former broom storage apartment in London, UK



Image source: Sylvie Durand/Marc Baillargeon Architecte

130sq ft apartment in Paris, France



Image source: Arch Daily

86sq ft former maid’s room apartment in Paris, France



Image cource: Luke’s Barely Habitable

78sq ft New York apartment transformed and owned by a professional architect

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designer solutions, micro apartment, small apartments, tiny apartment, tiny living