4-Year Old Girl Creates Stylish Paper Dresses Together With Her Mother

Published 11 years ago

For the past 9 months, the @2sisters_angie Instagram profile has been displaying the unexpected fashion design talent and skills of a 4-year old girl known to us only as Mayhem. Together with her mother Angie, the girl creates beautiful gowns solely from many different types of paper.

After the mother was tired of her little one “creating” her own style from Angie’s scarves and sheets, she came up the idea to create dresses out of paper. To her surprise, Mayhem (Angie’s nickname for her little girl) was instantly hooked and demanded to create new dresses every day. 9 months later, the two fashionistas have assembled quite a collection, worthy of a junior runaway in Paris.

Source: Instagram (via: huffingtonpost.com)

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