4 Ways Technology Helps with Recycling

Published 9 years ago

If you take into account the world population and the rising amount of rubbish generated by it, you can imagine how challenging rubbish disposal becomes. Luckily, there are technological advancements that can help greatly in that regard.

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When it comes to recycling, effectiveness is everything. Landfills are no longer considered the most practical and easiest way out, partially because there is no more free land to use for dumping trash! Instead, the focus has been shifted to recycling and more Eco-friendly ways of waste removal and management. Companies are investing more and more into technologies that can help them in that regard. Here are few examples:

RFID technology

RFID technology

This can be used to monitor waste collection and pickup efforts. The main benefit, as recognized by the experts, is that the stats received cannot be changed or calculated wrong. It has only been several years since this technology has been used in waste management, but the results are evident. An RFID tag on bins and one on the garbage vehicle allows for tracking recyclables and which homes exactly they came from. That way you get a clear picture of what demographics are recycling, and what measures can be taken to incentivize the others.

Pay per volume of waste thrown

Pay per volume of waste thrown

Installing an RFID scale on the trucks can measure exactly how much each household is throwing. It can be charged based on that amount. That way people will know exactly how much they can save, as reducing waste is a great way to ensure less negative environmental impact. That is a great way to promote recycling, because the cost of any material left for recycling can be deducted from the price of waste collection.

Recycling bin placement

Recycling bin placement

Multiple researches conducted by the University of Georgia show that human behavior can influence recycling rates by a lot. This study involved GPS readers equipped on every trash can to provide information on how much recyclable materials have been thrown out exactly and what areas are most active in that regard. This is very important for a few reasons, the first of which is that it helps determine where recycling bins can be placed to maximize the rates. Strategically placing the bins in such areas where recycling activity is highest may in fact increase rubbish collection rates.



Generating clean synthetic gas through usage of waste is a green and Eco-friendly way of producing energy. The gas, having only 50% of the natural gas density, can replace fossil fuels, refine oil and be reprocessed into green diesel. Gasification has been finding more and more application, although it probably won’t be too soon before it becomes a widespread solution for waste disposal.

Technology can surely improve recycling by a lot and introduce new ways of waste disposal.

Scarlett Fletcher

I am from London and I am passionate about art, photography design and DIY projects. Every corner of our world offers an inspiration, so at the most of my time I just look around me. Currently working for a company offering rubbish removal and waste clearance services. You can find your inspiration for your next project even in the rubbish.

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junk disposal, recycling, recycling technology, waste