Artist Transforms Buildings Into Living Art By Painting 3D Murals (25 Pics)
In the world of contemporary art, Dutch artist Leon Keer stands out as a visionary who turns ordinary buildings into captivating masterpieces through his unique and mesmerizing 3D murals. With a keen eye for detail and an innovative approach to street art, Keer has become a prominent figure in the international art scene.
Scroll below and explore the enchanting world of Leon Keer and his ability to breathe life into structures through his extraordinary paintings.
More info: leonkeer.com | Instagram | Facebook | streetpainting3d.com | twitter.com
Image source: leonkeer
Althea Whyte : “Dont rock the truck!”
Image source: leonkeer
Tessa : “Is love how the windows are incorporated in the design. Very convincing!”
LauraDragonWench : “I first thought the windows were part of the art as well – amazing talent!”
Image source: leonkeer
Kevin the Manager : “Can I get the doll that comes with rolls of Benjamins as an accessory? Please?”
Image source: leonkeer
BlitheSpirit : “Wonderfully executed, but my anxiety levels are now shooting up 😂”
Gabby M : “Painting on this scale has always amazed me!”
Image source: leonkeer
Kevin the Manager : “The world’s LARGEST violin? What kind of song does that play?”
Image source: leonkeer
Ronstantin : “First thought: Great timing – waiting for the wind to blow up his shirt AND catching the coins while falling … no, wait 🤔”
Image source: leonkeer
Angelica Whitefeather : “Gorgeous and spectacular 😍”
Image source: leonkeer
KombatBunni : “If only we could!”
Image source: leonkeer
Ronstantin : “Completely fell for it! Wow!”
Image source: leonkeer
Ronstantin : “I once tried to take that bottle, but the farmer doesn’t lego.”
Image source: leonkeer
WindySwede : “Marbleous!”
KiwiTriviaKween (She/Her) : “This takes me back to playing marbles at a prep school and winning a fiery red, yellow and white marble.”
Auntriarch : “So that’s where they got to”
Image source: leonkeer
Entity_unfound She/they/it : “What’s on TV?”
Confused State : “This is so awesome. But I do think it might bother me if I was physically there and walked to the other side of the painting only to find I couldn’t see the rest of the room. That would be a bit disconcerting. But dang this artist is good!!”
Image source: leonkeer
Gabby M : “Certainly colorful, hope it is a gambling city.”
Image source: leonkeer
Tessa : “Hard to see that the front pallet on the left is real!”
KiwiTriviaKween (She/Her) : “Clever satirical consumer culture art.”
Image source: leonkeer
Darian Starfrog : “This bothers me, but not because of the artistic talent, ..I wanna fix it up..”
Image source: leonkeer
Gabby M : “A picture within the picture.”
Ronstantin : “Really great! (But my brain hurts …)”
Image source: leonkeer
DEW : “The Green Giant’s fish aquarium!”
Image source: leonkeer
HipHop : “Here I’m zooming in to see what movies they watchin”
Image source: leonkeer
Kevin the Manager : “This one ROCKS!”
Image source: leonkeer
Hoover Darling : “The 🐻 is adorable! 💕”
Image source: leonkeer
Marcel Faas : “Den Helder, my hometown, and it is indeed pretty spectactular!”
Image source: leonkeer
yue chan : “Childhood memory”
Image source: leonkeer
DEW : “This is really pretty! Ok…I have figured out that in life you should have a plumber, a carpenter, a electrician and a painter/artist among your friends and family. I have none of them.”
Image source: leonkeer
Confused State : “This one is so sad.”
Image source: leonkeer
Bill Swallow : “The later Chinese emperors wised up and switched from fragile, breakable terra cotta to Lego warriors. When the enemy came in to give the Chinese army a stomping, they were in for a very, VERY rude awakening.”
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