Fairytales Come To Life With 360°-Cut Books by Yusuke Oono

Published 11 years ago

Japanese artist and architect Yusuke Oono brings fairy-tale books to a new level with his striking series of 360°-cut books.

Oono designs the detailed pictures digitally, cuts them out on paper using a laser cutter and puts the pages together. The 40-page books can be viewed page by page or unfolded into a beautiful 360° circular fan so that all the images are visible at once.

These palm-sized books, true pieces of story-telling art, recount widely-known fairytales like Snow White and Jungle Book.

Source: loftwork.com

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360 degree books, 360° books, book art, book illustrations, cut books, cut outs, cut-out art, fairy tales, fairy-tale illustrations, full-post, paper art, paper books, Yusuke Oono