30 Times Game Of Thrones Creators “Forgot” Things
Even after Game of Thrones ended, people can’t stop talking about how disappointing the last season was. Leftover coffee cups, water bottles and poor overall storytelling left many fans of the show far from satisfied. In an episode of Game of Thrones’ “Inside The Episode”, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss tried explaining their creative choices but it was one of those cases where they did more harm than good.
Fans didn’t really buy into the showrunners’ explanations and many thought that David’s “Dany kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet” phrase was the final nail in the show’s coffin. Fans responded by creating yet another wave of Game of Thrones memes, mocking all the of things the creators of the show “forgot” and we’re sure every die-hard fan will get a good laugh. Check them out in the gallery below!
Image source: uzepar
Image source: merrygobyebye
Image source: RedditFreeFolk
Image source: monodelarctic
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