20 Phrases You Probably Spell Wrong
My grammar pet peeve? People mixing up “hoard” and “horde”. Elite Daily’s Kaylin Pound even made a list of mispronounced phrases! The most obvious point on the list is “irregardless”: if you haven’t learned that it’s not a word, not even after an American Dad episode mentioning it, you should do it now. Same goes for “I could care less”, which is saying that you haven’t reached your minimal care levels. And I couldn’t care less about your excuses.
I’ll admit that I might have said “statue of limitations” once or twice, and I must have written “free reign” a few times in my long years as a respectable dark fantasy writer. ’tis a crying shame, but, thanks to this post, I shall do it nevermore!
(h/t: elitedaily)
Got wisdom to pour?
My first reaction to this list is that people shouldn’t use phrases when they don’t know what they mean. Most of these errors occur when someone hears (or mishears) an expression and then writes what they think they’ve heard–making it painfully obvious they’ve never seen it in print. The “wrong” versions here, with very few exceptions, make no sense–like, “it’s a doggy-dog world”. I’ve heard people use that one, and immediately deduct IQ points from the speaker.
I see many possible funny puns here. I saw one today that spoke of finding the “mother lode” which was a big gemstone. I think I may have wrecked havoc in the past.
Wrong: I can be discrete Right: I can be discreet
Wrong: Tow the line Right: Toe the line
Have just been informed mother lode us right. You can therefor add motherland to your list.
Mother load. Stupid autocorrect on d tablet.