This 16-Year-Old’s Instagram Will Make You Go Travel
Think you have a pretty awesome Instagram account? Well, get ready to be bested by Jannik Obenhoff, a 16-year-old photographer whose pics will make sitting in the office almost unbearable.
As he says himself: “If you won’t go out and explore, you won’t see how beautiful nature can be.” Jannik has filled his Instagram account with landscape photography, sometimes mixing people in the shot, sometimes giving his audience the aerial perspective with his drone. The results are top notch, and although he’s at the early stage of his career, he could already be compared to the works of a professional photographer.
He started exercising this hobby intensively when he was 13, and over a period of three years he’s already gathered 200,000 followers.
More info: instagram (h/t: boredpanda)
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