11 Untranslatable Words From Different Countries That We Need In Every Language
Have you ever needed a word to describe a feeling or situation, and found the English language wanting? No fear, other languages come to the rescue! This is a collection of words that are untranslatable, in that they don’t have a succinct, short translation in English. What is “waldeinsamkeit”? Why, the feeling of being alone in the woods, of course!
This collection of images was put together by the blog team on Maptia. If you are interested in some more untranslatable words, click here. If you want newly invented words that should be added to the English language ASAP, click here.
More info: maptia.com (h/t: boredpanda)
Got wisdom to pour?
Great words! I am from Portugal and have one more… The Portuguese word “Saudade” claims no direct translation in English, and it describes a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone that one loves.
I’m brazilian and I scrolled through the list and was mad to find out Saudade wasn’t included! Definitely deserves a spot.
Dépaysement (FR) = Homesick (EN) = Heimweh (DE)
Pochemuchka (RU) = Askhole(EN)
I’d suggest “sohbet” from Turkish, meaning “a friendly chat without time pressure”
The right word is CuIaccino. Cualacino doesn’t exist!