10 Famous Comic Characters Side-By-Side With Their Creators
You’ve probably seen their comics a million times, but have you ever seen the actual artists who are behind them? Here’s your chance!
Below you’ll see the side-by-side shots of the iconic comic characters and their creators, most of whom actually created those iconic characters in their own image. I was wondering if knowing the face behind the comics would take something away from them, but now I somehow feel that I just got to know those characters a little better.
To check out more of their comics just press on their names below.
(h/t: bauchnabelfussel, boredpanda)
#1 Sarah’s Scribbles
Image source: Sarah Andersen
#2 C-Cassandra
Image source: Cassandra Calin
#3 Fowl Language Comics
Image source: Brian Gordon, fowllanguagecomics
#4 Lingvistov
Image source: Lingvistov, Lingvistov
#5 Catana Comics
Image source: Catana Comics, catanamal
#6 Lunarbaboon
Image source: Lunarbaboon, Chris Grady
#7 Cyanide & Happiness
Image source: Cyanide & Happiness
#8 Cat Versus Human
Image source: Cat Versus Human, Cat Versus Human
#9 Philippa Rice
Image source: Philippa Rice, Martin Pope
#10 Enzo Comics
Image source: Enzo Comics, Cheer Up, Emo Kid Comics
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