3 Years And 420,000 Matchsticks – This Is What It Took To Build J.R.R. Tolkien’s The City of Kings
Iowa-based artist Pat Acton spent 3 years building a colossal model of Minas Tirith, the capital of Gondor in J.R.R. Tolkien’s fictional Middle-Earth world. All he used was 420,000 carefully-placed matchsticks and gallons of glue. An additional 24,000 small wooden blocks were used to build up Mount Mindoullin, the supportive structure behind the whole sculpture.
The LOTR fan has been creating matchstick models since 1977, just after finishing college. The Minas Tirith model ( a.k.a. the White City or City of Kings) model, however, is by far one of the biggest and most detailed projects of all. This and many other of Acton’s matchstick sculptures are on display at the Matchstick Marvels Museum in Gladbrook, Iowa, U.S.
Source: matchstickmarvels.com | Facebook
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