Palestinian Artists Turn Rocket Strike Smoke Into Though-Provoking Images
The conflict between Israel and Palestine is responsible for countless civilian deaths on both sides. No wonder, then, that many Palestinian and Israeli artists feel the need to discuss the ongoing conflict and showcase its disastrous consequences through art. These Palestinian artists draw symbolic, inspiring and thought-provoking images that they see in smoke rising from rocket strike sites. Their work forms an online protest against the conflict.
This is a perfect example of how, in moments of terror and grief, artists can become ambassadors of peace and story-tellers from a civilian perspective – on either side of a conflict as politically charged as this one.
Image credit: Tawfik Gebreel
Image credit: Bushra Shanan
Image credit: Belal Khaled
Image credit: Tawfik Gebreel
Image credit: Bushra Shanan
Image credit: Belal Khaled
Image credit: Tawfik Gebreel
Image credit: Belal Khaled
Image credit: Belal Khaled
Image credit: Tawfik Gebreel
Image credit: Belal Khaled
Got wisdom to pour?
She is more then welcome to Israel to make an art from the tunnels as well !! There are a whole world that people who live abroad don’t see, you are invited to visit both Gaza and IL to decide what side you should support.
(IL citizen)
Aw, terrorists making art.
Israel is the terrorist
those who threw the bombs are terrorists! free gaza! free palestine
Aw, an american believing in propaganda. Don’t you know thinking for your self is the new black?