Daily Office Frustrations Recreated With Miniature Figures
The internet has established that work in the office is a grind, only better than factory work because you don’t risk getting actually ground-up. Marsder (a.k.a Darrick Lin) is making light of this with his miniature people dioramas. From meetings that nobody attends to business trips that force you to leave home before the suns comes up.
Built from what appear to beare railroad model people, his series 1:87 puts a humorous twist on office situations that are all too common. Marsder doesn’t need much for his little dioramas of agency life, just an iPhone, a reading lamp and some plastic people to act out their roles in front of an office background.
As he wrote on Bored Panda: “Whether it’s burning the midnight oil, early morning client call, or on the road traveling for business, my tiny people are always there making sure I don’t hide my feelings”
More info: Tumblr | Instagram (h/t: boredpanda)
Got wisdom to pour?
I (Darrick Lin) have miniature tears too!
They are so small, it’s microscopic salt & water that will evaporate & splash on you some rainy day!