20 Minimalist Brands That Cats Put On Their Humans
Cats are our tiniest friends, and the greatest stars of the internet. Small wonder that people are having their likeness tattooed! From the more abstract cat shapes, to well-detailed cat portraits, cat lovers are eager to brand themselves as the property of their tiny, furry tyrants.
However, in South Korea, cat tattoos are something of a mark of rebellion. In this country, tattoos can only be legally done by medical practitioners. To fight it, people choose to get underground ink jobs done, and cat images are leading the fight. Click here to read out post on the subject!
(h/t: boredpanda)
Image source: Soltattoo
Image source: unknown
Image source: lazerliz
Image source: Christine Lepine
Image source: renterkm
Image source: Seoeon
Image source: bloodykravitz
Image source: unknown
Image source: simonandstellacats
Image source: Shelli Stanley
Image source: nathanjhunt
Image source: unknown
Image source: unknown
Image source: Erin Rhodes
Image source: Sol Tattoo
Image source: Lisa
Image source: tattootome webmize
Image source: cassandraedwardstattoo
Image source: unknown
Image source: Kaitlin Stiltner
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