Magical World Of Snails Captured In Macro Photography By Vyacheslav Mishchenko
Ukrainian photographer Vyacheslav Mishchenko is passionate about the less obvious and more fragile parts of nature, where little creatures like insects, molluscs, reptiles and amphibians dwell. Living in their own macro world, these little things probably don‘t even notice the curious Mishchenko as he captures the most intimate and sensitive moments of their delicate lives.
Here’s a collection of Mishchenko’s summery photography in which he has documented the everyday lives of snails in their natural environment in a splendid way. Slow down and enjoy!
Source: Vyacheslav Mishchenko | Facebook
Got wisdom to pour?
They are absolutely adorable and definitely magical little beings :)
Is the one with the “umbrella” (pic #4) suffering from a parasite or fungus? Just read an article about exactly that sort of thing and thats what this looks like.
…its okay bud.. throwing the rope back
It looks like dandelion fluff (or something w/a similar seed) to me.
I think its touching a spider web with dew on it?
Snails don’t kill snails. Today’s question, on the scale of Evolution what is the lowest life-form yet attained?
homo sapiens
assassin snails are used specificly to kill other snails
Snails eat other snails
There are some predatory snail species that eat other snails.
By the very definition of Evolution every species still surviving today is equally evolved… I get your point but in expressing it this way you make yourself seem very ignorant
Thanks for the head’s up! staycool playcool
Escargot. mmmm
But also exquisitely beautiful. To see such passion in such unassuming creatures is amazing.
Passion? I think such and interpretation is probably anthropomorphizing the rather limited neurology of snails. Beautiful beyond a doubt. But passion? The passion is in the eye of the beholder.
the passion is in the photographer, for sure. some of these were “arranged” in positioning and then captured artistically as the creature did what comes naturally. The photographer is the one to create the passion and the mood for these. They are stunning, and well composed, and very delightful.
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
exactly. cuz u said it like shit
As opposed to your peerless prose, I suppose?
Haha. You said Butt passion.
just beautiful!
Aww yay snails! That put a smile on my face. :) <3
Snails forever.
They’re so cute!