Photographer Finally Snaps Perfect Shot Of Diving Kingfisher After 6 Years And 720,000 Photographs

Published 9 years ago

Hunting for the “perfect shot” can be a long and dedicated process. Alan McFadyen tooks six years and 720,000 photos to finally get the perfect picture of a diving kingfisher. He used to come to a spot near Kirkcudbright, Scotland for average 100 days a year, hoping to capture a perfect, splash-less dive.

McFadyen’s grandfather used to take him to the lake and observe nature when the photographer was but a six-year-old. He took photography six years ago and he wanted to take a picture like that as a tribute to his grandfather. McFadyen had set strict parameters for the shot: the beak had to make no splashes, the bird had to perfectly vertical and so on, which is why it took so long. The photographer hopes that his eight-year-old son will also share his love for nature.

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It took Alan McFadyen 6 years, 4,200 hours and 720,000 photos to get this shot:


“I would often go and take 600 pictures in a session and not a single one of them be any good”


“The photo I was going for of the perfect dive, flawlessly straight, with no splash required not only me to be in the right place and get a very lucky shot but also for the bird itself to get it perfect”


“I remember my grandfather taking me to see the kingfisher nest and I just remember being completely blown away by how magnificent the birds are”


“I’m sure my grandfather would have loved it, I just wish he could have seen it. All of my family contacted me when they saw it and said he would have been so proud of it”




Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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Alan McFadyen, animal photography, bird photography, bird photography hide, full-page, kingfisher photography, kingfisher photos, nature photography, perfect kingfisher photo, perfect kingfisher shot, perfect photo, perfect shot, photography hide, wildlife photography