Scientists Find Kermit The Frog High In The Jungles Of Costa Rica
Kermit the Frog is one of the most recognizable denizens of the Sesame Street. And now, a scientist group discovered a frog that looks just like him. Located in Costa Rica, the frog, named Diane’s Bare-hearted Glassfrog (Hyalinobatrachium dianae) gets the “glass” part of the name from its translucent stomach. However, the part that interest us are the big bulbous white eyes on the top of its head. They definitely give the froggy a decisively Kermitian appearance. However, the little glassfrog (about 2,5 cm in length) is unlikely to make amorous advances on any pigs or break out in song.
In fact, the mating call that the frog makes might have helped mask its presence. The frog was located at higher elevations in the northern parts of the country. The mating call, very much distinct from other glass frogs, has been described as “a long metallic whistle with rapid pulses”. So instead of Kermit’s fluffy felt green-ness, we have a frog with insides that you can see, and a horrible, insect like call.
Undeterred by the nature of the find, senior scientist Brian Kubicki gave the “Diana” part of the frog’s name to honor his mother, Janet Diana Kubicki.
More info: cramphibian.com | Facebook (h/t: boredpanda)
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