15 Magnificient Pictures Of Hoi An, A Historical Port In Vietnam
Do you want to touch history? Then Hội An in Vietnam is the place go. The old town is preserved as UNESCO World Heritage site as an example of a 15th century South Asian trade port. It was THE trade port in South Asia, brought in a population of Chinese, Japanese and even Dutch inhabitants. The trade eventually petered out, and left Hội An a backwater, perfectly preserving the town. Today, it features many historical sites, as well as beaches and boat tours!
These photos of Hội An were taken by a French photographer Rehahn Croquevielle, who “travels to meet people and capture the most natural moment of those individual he has encountered”. He’s been in love with South Asia and photography for years, and we’ve already featured one of his series.
To see Rehahns work with the “sea gypsies”, click here.
More info: rehahnphotographer.com | facebook | instagram | flickr (h/t: boredpanda)
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