Duck Hates Mondays, Too: A Comic About A Bird We Can All Relate To
We all have issues with the stresses of modern day life. So does Dicky the Duck, the star of Fowl Language Comics, drawn by Brian Gordon. This drawn duck has to go to a job, support his quacking family and all he can to stay on his webbed feet. So, naturally, he has to deal with thing like appearing normal, dealing with coffee tolerance, New Year’s wows and (not) going to the gym. A duck we can all related to, especially since he doesn’t spend time swimming in a pond and chasing bread crumbs.
“Fowl Language” isn’t the only comic Brian Gordon works on. He’s a freelance illustrator who has been employed by Hallmark for more than 15 years and has “since drawn and written roughly a bajillion Shoebox cards.” He also does work for Mad Magazine, a blog and draws comics, of course. His most famous work is the Chuck and Beans webcomic about a slightly crazy bunny and dog duo. You kind of see where Fowl Language is coming from.
And I’ll hope it will waddle safety into the future.
More info: fowllanguagecomics.com | briangordonillustration.com | Facebook (h/t: designtaxi)
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