20 Comics Show The Life Of An Introvert
I consider myself an introvert, and with it comes this nagging feeling that I’m missing out on something. I know it’s an irrational feeling, but it’s just something I’ve come to accept as part of an introverted personality.
So when I saw the comic number 10, it resonated with me. It says that extroverts rule the world while introverts are busy creating their own. By no means, any of these two are better than the other, but what it says to me is that fun is had in your own unique way. The way you enjoy life depends on what you consider to be enjoyable, and it’s important to remember that it’s natural to have different perspectives on this.
But enough blabbering. Better take a look at these insightful and funny comics about introverts and the sometimes ridiculous horrors of social life they encounter on a daily basis.
(h/t: boredpanda)
Image source: Debbie Tung
Image source: Adam Ellis
Image source: introvertdoodles
Image source: Cassandra
Image source: Gemma Correll
Image source: James R.
Image source: Sarah Andersen
Image source: Lingvistov
Image source: INFJoe Cartoons
Image source: introvertdoodles
Image source: Tom Fonder
Image source: Sarah Andersen
Image source: Sarah’s Scribbles
Image source: Philippa Rice
Image source: INFJoe Cartoons
Image source: JHallComics
Image source: Debbie Tung
Image source: introvertdoodles
Image source: floccinaucinihilipilificationa
Image source: Liz Fosslien and Mollie West
Got wisdom to pour?
Being an introvert is just great, and it’s even better to understand and accept everything about your personality, and use your strengths correctly. Not everyone is so easy to understand themselves. To make this task easier, I advise you to use this free tool https://psyculator.com/blog/what-is-personality-psychology/