20 Historic B&W Pictures Restored In Colour (Part IV)
The past was full of monumental events and heroic people, but monochrome pictures make it harder to imagine as “real”. That’s where photo colorization comes in. Using tools like Photoshop and sourcing colors from historical descriptions, skilled workers make the images seem closer to us through the addition of color. Color sourcing is easier for military equipment, as armies are quite stringent about recording the details of their gear, and collectors abound.
The shots seen here have been collected from ColorizedHistory subreddit, where people and sometimes companies interested in the craft post the fruits of their labor. I’m ever so thankful for their efforts! Seeing these pictures in color, I feel much closer in time to these events.
See the previous parts here, here and here.
More info: ColorizedHistory (h/t: buzzfeed)
Yvonne (13) and Alexander (12) Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn take drink and smoke on yacht near Majorca.
Image source: Bennity
Abraham Lincoln by Alexander Gardner, taken in February 1865
Image source: zuzahin
Adolf Hitler, Along with Mussolini’s son-in-law, Count Galeazzo Ciano (to Hitler’s right), and Joachim von Ribbentrop, attend a NSDAP (Nazi Party) rally, some time in the 1930s.
Image source: Captain-Cliche
An Ojibwe Native American spearfishing, Minnesota, 1908.
Image source: Captain-Cliche
Soldiers wearing gas masks while peeling onions at Tobruk, 15 October 1941.
Image source: Captain-Cliche
Times Square, D-Day, 1944.
Image source: Captain-Cliche
Louis and Lucille Armstrong at the Sphinx, Jan. 28, 1961.
Image source: Photo Chopshop
A young John F. Kennedy immediately after his graduation from Harvard, in the summer of 1940.
Image source: zuzahin
Coney Island, circa 1900–1910.
Image source: Captain-Cliche
Boxing match aboard the U.S.S. New York, July 3, 1899.
Image source: Urban2487
Post officers show off their brand-new “Autopeds” scooters, Washington, D.C., 1917.
Image source: ExtraNoise
Captain Walter “Waddy” Young and his crew pose in front of their caricatures on their B-29 Superfortress, Nov. 24, 1944.
Image source: Captain-Cliche
Two U.S. soldiers of C Company, 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division, seek shelter behind an M-4 Sherman tank at Geich, Germany, on Dec. 11, 1944.
Image source: Captain-Cliche
A group of bootblacks gather around an old Civil War veteran in Pennsylvania, 1935.
Image source: mygrapefruit
Observer on Iwo Jima, February 1945.
Image source: Dynamichrome
Performer Sarah Vaughan, circa 1946.
Image source: Captain-Cliche
Aircraft of the Imperial Airways refueling at Samakh, October, 1931.
Image source: Captain-Cliche
Children watch as their neighborhood is bombed in Minsk, Belorussia. The bombing was part of Operation Barbarossa. June, 1941.
Image source: Captain-Cliche
A farmer’s son playing on one of the large soil drifts of the “Dust Bowl”. Liberal, Kansas. March, 1936.
Image source: Captain-Cliche
The March on Washington, Aug. 28, 1963.
Image source: Photo Chopshop
A young man flipping burgers in Crowley, Louisiana, October 1938.
Image source: Dynamichrome
Daredevil Jammie Reynolds in 1917.
Image source: Dynamichrome
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