Vertical Garden Planters Are A Brilliant Alternative To Paintings For Your Walls

Published 9 years ago

You might want to have plants in your house, but you’re living in this narrow, single room apartment. That’s when you need the circular framed planters by Kim Fisher, who sells them on Etsy. When space is at a premium, these planter replace cumbersome pots with a way to grow plants by using up as much space as a regular painting.

The frame is aluminum, a bit of heavy duty plastic keeps the contents – succulents and soil – in place, and the plants are hard to kill. Everybody wins but the cat, which is denied an auxiliary toilet box. The planters are designed by Kim Fisher, a floral designer and a gardener.

More info: etsy | | facebook | instagram | twitter (h/t: colossal)

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Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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air plants, Etsy, flower, flowers, garden, hanging flowers, hanging garden, hanging planter, Kim Fisher, KimFisherDesigns, plant, Planter, succulents, Tillandsia, vertical garden, vivarium, wall planter, window