Sticky Notes War Between Two Office Buildings That Got Out Of Hand
Post-it notes are an awesome way to leave someone a cute message they’ll find in the morning or be passive-aggressive at work when James leaves a mess after himself in the kitchen… come on James! But a couple of office buildings in New York stepped it up a notch when they started a full-blown sticky notes war between themselves.
It all started when an employee at Harrison and Star wrote “hi” on his office window, hoping to catch the attention of a neighboring office across the street. He did. And they replied with “sup”. This was just a humble beginning to what happened next. Both office buildings house a number of marketing and media agencies with employees not afraid to share their creativity.
Take a look at the shots from their battle, which culminated in an epic finale.
(h/t: boredpanda)
Everything started with an innocent “HI” on the 6th floor at 75 Varick Street in NYC
Image source: @freshasthedayshewasborn
Soon, “Sup” appeared on a building from across the street at 200 Hudson
Image source: @Vinvox
As both buildings had a lot of media and marketing agencies, it eventually turned into WAR
Image source: u/craftBK
The windows started filling up with funny pictures and messages
Image source: Mike Segar
Somebody made a Snapchat icon
Image source: Mike Segar
Others took a more random approach
Image source: @gloddy
Even the Angry Birds got involved!
Image source: Mike Segar
Post-it manufacturer 3M also joined the war by providing free ammunition (i.e Post-it notes!)
Image source: Mike Segar
As the war got more creative, it seemed that nobody would win
Image source: @kBostley
Not even Spiderman could stop it!
Image source: Mike Segar
With no other option, Havas Worldwide brought the war to an end with this epic mic drop
Workers stayed late with beer and pizza to create the spectacular finale, and fellas from Spectacle Studio later posted this video
Image source: spectacle_studio
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