60-Year-Old Man Grows A Beard That Turns Him Into A Fashion Model
Just before he turned 60, Philippe Dumas decided to grow a beard, and this simple decision has changed his life completely.
“For the fun of it I decided to grow my beard thinking it would be a mess, but people said they liked it,” said Dumas to Bored Panda. “This happened many times and so I realized maybe I should try being a model.” Just like that he got in touch with some agencies and the rest is history.
“I really love what I am doing and get great pleasure from doing it. What else could I ask for? Maybe to work for a huge international campaign like Chanel or Dior. We all have dreams. And this buzz could help. Who knows.” Who said it’s too late to try out something new.
More info: instagram (h/t: boredpanda)
Image source: Philippe Dumas
Image source: Benjamin Taguemount
Image source: dumphill
Image source: Emma Jane Photo
Image source: Chapeau Cardinael
Image source: Philippe Dumas
Image source: Emma Jane Photo
Image source: Philippe Dumas
Image source: Frank Devos
Image source: Philippe Dumas
Got wisdom to pour?
Now if only my wife would read/see this.. I could grow my beard /mutton chops and get away with and even get paid to get away with it..